投稿日: 2004/12/07(Tue) 21:06:25
投稿者NICK < >
こんにちは、CD ROM のためのコントローラーのプロジェクトは非常に好んだ! 不運にも私は日本語を知らない。しかしコントローラーはすべての同じ作った。CD ROM Philips PCX32CD 及びNEC3002 を使うことを試みられる。機能すべては1 つを除いて、- "PAUSE" 働く。S/PDIF のこのモードに信号があり、不愉快な歌うことは聞こえる。実証済みの異なったプログラム- モード"PAUSE" のすべての場合のv2.6. までのv2.2 からの…; 歌うことは聞こえDAC の輝やきのS/PDIF の信号の表示器、: (取除く方法をそれか。プログラムの新版があってもよい意志か。そしてまだ質問。であるS/PDIF のデータをない取ることは必要よろしいですか。ならばあるIDE のデータを取ること必要がよろしいですか。おそらくそれのAT90S8515 はconsult(cope) 。確かにそれは要求された付加的なRAM である。私はあなたのプロジェクトのよい運を望む! Nikolay 。ロシア

タイトルCDROM-In English:
投稿日: 2004/12/07(Tue) 21:54:35
投稿者NICK < >
The project of the controller for CD ROM has very much liked!
Unfortunately I do not know the Japanese language. But the controller all the same has made. Tried to work with CD ROM
Philips PCX32CD and NEC3002. All functions work, except for one - "PAUSE". In this mode on S/PDIF
There is a signal and unpleasant singing is audible. Tried different programs - from v2.2 up to v2.6. In all cases
In a mode "PAUSE" singing is audible and the indicator of a signal on S/PDIF on DAC shines: (
How it to remove? May there will be new versions of the program?
And still a question.
May it is necessary to take the data not on S/PDIF? May be it is necessary to take the data on IDE? Probably AT90S8515
It will consult(cope). Certainly it is required additional RAM.
I wish good luck in your projects!


タイトルRe: CDROM-In English:
投稿日: 2004/12/10(Fri) 12:56:50
> Unfortunately I do not know the Japanese language. But the controller all the same has made. Tried to work with CD ROM
> Philips PCX32CD and NEC3002. All functions work, except for one - "PAUSE". In this mode on S/PDIF

What is "PAUSE" ?
I don't implement pause function on my controller.
Did you implement original function ?
Or you call stop function as "PAUSE" ?

> There is a signal and unpleasant singing is audible. Tried different programs - from v2.2 up to v2.6. In all cases
> In a mode "PAUSE" singing is audible and the indicator of a signal on S/PDIF on DAC shines: (
> How it to remove? May there will be new versions of the program?

If you mention the stop function, no sound will be heard during stopping. It may be happen only Philips PCX32CD and NEC3002.

> And still a question.
> May it is necessary to take the data not on S/PDIF? May be it is necessary to take the data on IDE? Probably AT90S8515
> with
> It will consult(cope). Certainly it is required additional RAM.

I think it is possible only to send mute command through ATAPI command. Just "MUTE" command does'nt exist, but
ModeSelct command may set mute mode of output port.

Of course, it is possible to eliminate unpleasant singing by operation S/PDIF signal.

タイトルRe^2: CDROM-In English:
投稿日: 2004/12/10(Fri) 18:13:00
投稿者NICK < >
Thank for the answer.
> > Unfortunately I do not know the Japanese language. But the controller all the same has made. Tried to work with CD ROM
> > Philips PCX32CD and NEC3002. All functions work, except for one - "PAUSE". In this mode on S/PDIF
> What is "PAUSE" ?
> I don't implement pause function on my controller.
> Did you implement original function ?
> Or you call stop function as "PAUSE" ?

Yes, I was mistaken. Button Pause is absent. The signal on spdif does not disappear while translating the controller from "Play" in "Stop". Thus there is very unpleasant sound.
So occurs and at loading a disk by button " Eject ".
Probably the mode not correctly works for me "Stop".

> > There is a signal and unpleasant singing is audible. Tried different programs - from v2.2 up to v2.6. In all cases
> > In a mode "PAUSE" singing is audible and the indicator of a signal on S/PDIF on DAC shines: (
> > How it to remove? May there will be new versions of the program?
> If you mention the stop function, no sound will be heard during stopping. It may be happen only Philips PCX32CD and NEC3002.

Yes, probably it is problem Philips PCX32CD and NEC3002. It is sad. I have only these drives.
It is necessary to buy something another :(

> > And still a question.
> > May it is necessary to take the data not on S/PDIF? May be it is necessary to take the data on IDE? Probably AT90S8515
> > with
> > It will consult(cope). Certainly it is required additional RAM.
> I think it is possible only to send mute command through ATAPI command. Just "MUTE" command does'nt exist, but
> ModeSelct command may set mute mode of output port.
> Of course, it is possible to eliminate unpleasant singing by operation S/PDIF signal.

Automatically to switch DAC in "Mute" on a signal "spdif" will fail. If the sound the signal "spdif" goes in a normal format is taken. Sadly, but I am not able to program AVR.

タイトルRe^3: CDROM-In English:
投稿日: 2004/12/18(Sat) 15:56:00
投稿者NICK < >
Yes, it is a problem of mine CD ROM :(
With other models the controller works well!
The project will develop? New opportunities will appear?

タイトルRe^4: CDROM-In English:
投稿日: 2004/12/21(Tue) 13:17:18
I'll continue development of this project.

But i don't have your troubled CD-ROM drive, so i can't research its cause.